The History of the Integrity Chamber
The Integrity Chamber was established by the Sint Maarten Government amidst a broad discussion about integrity and the integral roles it plays within administrative bodies (i.e. government and its entities, including government-owned companies), and the overall image of the country at home and abroad.
The creation of the Integrity Chamber was recommended in several integrity-focused reports, such as the Wit-Samson Report titled “Doing the Right Things Right” (2014). Government took those recommendations, and others, as priority points and worked to create the Integrity Chamber.
The three (3) main integrity reports that were commissioned can be accessed via the links below:
Doing the Right Things Right (Committee for Integrity in Public Administration)
Integrity Inquiry into the functioning of Government of Sint Maarten (PwC)
Baseline Study Sint Maarten: State of Affairs Institutional Integrity Management (General Audit Chamber)

National Ordinance Adopted
The National Ordinance Integrity Chamber (Landsverordening Integriteitskamer, AB 2017, no. 41) was adopted by Parliament in December 2017.
National Ordinance entered into force
The National Ordinance Integrity Chamber (Landsverordening Integriteitskamer, AB 2017, no. 41) entered into force on December 28, 2018.

Organisational Structure
The following year was focused on the groundwork for the organisation. That resulted in today’s Integrity Chamber with three members and a secretariat.
The Integrity Chamber is an independent body with the core tasks of rendering advices and giving proposals, investigating suspected misconducts within administrative bodies, and to continuously provide information to strengthen awareness about the importance of integrity in the community.

The National Ordinance Integrity Chamber (Landsverordening Integriteitskamer, AB 2017, no. 41) was adopted by Parliament in December 2017.

The National Ordinance Integrity Chamber (Landsverordening Integriteitskamer, AB 2017, no. 41) entered into force on December 28, 2018.

The following year was focused on the groundwork for the organization. That resulted in today’s Integrity Chamber with three members and a secretariat.

The Integrity Chamber is an independent body with the core tasks of rendering advices and giving proposals, investigating suspected misconducts within administrative bodies, and to continuously provide information to strengthen awareness about the importance of integrity in the community.

The Integrity Chamber is an independent body with the core tasks of rendering advices and giving proposals, investigating suspected misconducts within
administrative bodies, and to continuously provide information to strengthen awareness about the importance of integrity in the community.
The latest news and publications.